◊ ◊ Adobe Photoshop v5.0 beta2 I downloaded Photoshop 5.0b2 on Feb, 18. I finally got around to installing it the next day. I’m on a 7200/120 with 16 megs of physical RAM, and increased to 30 megs with Virtual Mem. I’m using VM just because i’m running 8.1 and there is not yet an update for RAM doubler 2 yet. Well back to Photoshop. It only takes up a couple megs or so more then the previous version. The installation puts the Kodak Precesion Startup in the extensions like the previous version too. it was version 2.1.4 nothing new. Personally I don’t really use this so you can just take it off if you want to. It has something to do with the Kodak Photo CD. I never really use it though, like i said before hehe. The folder is a bit bigger then 4.0 but its worth it. When you start you should first change the RAM settings, I usually give it about 10 megs minimum. I don’t have an incredible amount of RAM so I kept the preferred size at about 15 megs or so. Its really fairly stable for a beta, only one crash at the startup. I went through all the filters. Not as many as 4.0 but remember its just a beta at this point. I used most of the tools and some of the tools are more extensive, like the pen tool has more choices, and the stamp tool has choices as well some of the tools have been replaced and some moved around. It has the same amount of saving and opening capabilities. It is a bit faster, although nothing really noticeable. I have not yet used it for very intensive things. It’s compatibility with different plug-ins is about the same. I tested Eye Candy 3.01 with it. The newest feature is called the “history brush”, it gives you the ability to undo things in a small area. This is very useful at this point. Some of the other tools have been extended to have more uses and more control over what they do. It is so much more stable on my machine even in beta. Can’t wait for the final. Voider